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The Never Ending Fun In Training!

January 25, 2008

Today was my first attempt to voyage beyond my road and into the vast wilderness All 5 dogs and myself...Well that turned into a lessoned learned...I will never go far without somone with me.The Lead dog (Ginger) decided not to see the path I wanted her to take so she decided to take a Haw (Left) onto the main Highway that runs threw Tagish and Bolted..Being pavement my brakes did not work well and Whoa (stop) worked only after 5 min of yelling whoa! Then I tryed to make her go Gee(right) But that was not to her liking either, so she bolted down the highway and I almost fell off cause they pulled so hard...did I mention there were cars and I was going fast....so my toes a draging I managed to get my knees on the runners and gain control. I came to a road and she saw one of the trails and took in an intrest so I told her Gee and she came too and went were I wanted her to go...The trail back home...the one I wanted her to take in the first place!! So Was that a Thrill of my life? YES!!
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